Sunday, July 17, 2011

Time is Slipping Away

The time is slipping away so fast!!! Departure in just 2 short days now. We have had a very eventful last few days and things are really coming together.

Some of the highlights from the last week:
Last Saturday evening, we were blessed with the privilege of sharing dinner and conversation with two very special people. Randall and Timea Stone were in Johnson City for a few days, so we enjoyed meeting with them and the Tennents. The wonderful, exciting thing about this couple, besides the fact that they're very much on fire for that they live in Budapest. We gained some invaluable insight during our discussions and time with them. Randall has just taken a new position at teaching 5th grade at the International Christian School of Budapest(ICSB), starting in August, 2011, and both Randall and Timea have been accepted as missionaries with EFCA ReachGlobal. They are currently in the States to raise funds for their ministry. Check out Randall's blog and prayerfully consider giving to their ministry.

Another special moment was on Wednesday evening. Randy, Kelsie and I all three participate in the music ministry at our church and this was our last choir practice before the big departure. Pastor Marcos had a group of women pray specifically over me, a group over Kelsie and the men prayed over Randy. What an uplifting and humbling time of prayer in the presence of the Lord. So thankful for our wonderful "second" community group.

Yesterday, one of the ladies Kelsie works with blew me away. She told me, "In the 18 (can't remember exactly) years that I've been a Christian, I've never known an entire family to go on a mission trip together. " She gave Kelsie a generous donation towards our trip expenses and told me she would be praying for us. Again, how humbling.

This morning, our dear pastor, Dr. Weems, asked our entire family and the Tennents to stand before the congregation. Pastor prayed for our "team" and all of the specifics for our trip. Just a very humbling experience. This again is just overwhelming to me. I'm so unworthy of anything God has given me, any desire, any's all HIM.

I pray that we keep that focus. It's all because "HE LOVED US FIRST"!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

On the journey....

Daniel's soccer balls are packed and ready to fly
Packing in progress , aka mayhem

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