Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Planning, Planning, and more Planning

Last night Kim and I went over to the Tennents house to continue planning the mission trip with Ed and Ivonne Tennent. Can you say peach cobbler? Yep, I thought so.

Daniel really, really wanted to go with us to help plan. He's incredibly excited to be visiting his native country for the first time and wants to give back all he can to the kids in Romania. Being narrow-minded parents, however, we though homework and bed were a priority.

So we got there around 7 pm. An hour later (and several hundred calories) we dug into travel planning.

Our intent last night was to set travel dates and book tickets. From that perspective the night was a failure. But (ah, yes, the ever-present but) we did get many things accomplished. And one might argue that they were every bit as important as bookings and such. I must continually remind myself that God knows what we need, when we need it, and He will provide!

It was a pleasure to spend the evening with Ed and Ivonne. While acquainted to some extent, Kim and I haven't had the opportunity to really sit down and talk with the Tennents before last night. We got along fabulously (no, that's not the cobbler talking) and are even more excited about sharing a good part of our mission journey with them.

Did I say we're excited? Excited and nervous, nervous and excited.

Still planning ...

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited for you. We will follow with anticipation as you plan...we will pray as you go.
    Love & prayers,
    Johnny & Barbara Swanson
